Recent PBEB Activity
We are recruiting a green energy and electrification specialist to join our proposed Bank board. Read the full position announcement and application instructions here.
As of September 2023, we have
1) confirmed two stellar co-chairs, Jennifer Esteen, R.N. and Paulina Gonzalez-Brito, to lead the slate of board candidates
Meet Jennifer and Paulina on video!
2) raised our first million dollars, and are embarking on the second million
Read our full press release here!
The California Public Banking Alliance has just released this great explainer video.
Left to right: Susan Harman, Royl Roberts, Paulina Gonzalez-Brito, Scott Waite, Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan, Councilmember Kevin Jenkins, Councilmember Carroll Fife, Margie Lewis
On October 3, we were ceremonially recognized by the Oakland City Council for our accomplishments listed above. Councilmembers Rebecca Kaplan, Carroll Fife (also a board candidate) and Kevin Jenkins sponsored the resolution and each of them spoke briefly about the Bank. Paulina Gonzalez-Brito (board candidate co-chair), Royl Roberts (board candidate) and 2023-2024 CEO Scott Waite also spoke briefly, and Scott was presented with an elegant certificate. The Council unanimously approved the resolution.
On September 19, we went on a publicity tour of three of our four founding governments. We introduced Scott to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors:
Left to right: Henry (“Hank”) Levy (County Treasurer), Jennifer Esteen, Paulina Gonzalez-Brito, Nate Miley (President, County Board of Supervisors), Debbie Notkin, Scott Waite, Margie Lewis, Susan Harman
and then to the Berkeley City Council:
Jennifer Esteen, Scott Waite, Jesse Arreguin (Berkeley Mayor)
and then to the Richmond City Council:
Eduardo Martinez (Mayor), Jennifer Esteen, Scott Waite, City Councilmembers Cesar Zepeda, Soheila Bana, and Gayle McLaughlin
We’ll visit Oakland City Council on October 3.
Public Banking Institute
Sept. 19, 2023
“Public Bank East Bay makes history as it hires its first CEO, Scott Waite, becoming the first public banking effort in the nation to bring on a chief executive as well as a prospective board, led by Co‐Chairs Paulina Gonzalez‐Brito and Jennifer Esteen, for the planned public bank.”